FWIW: The "Text Displayed on Screen Only" option in Fin06 is exactly the same internal bit in the document file as "Hide/Show" is for the Text Tool in Fin07+. It is merely renamed and expanded in Fin07.

Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 05:13 PM 9/30/2007, Andrew Noah Cap wrote:
>You know that I am comparing 2006 and 2007. In Finale 2007 there are a few
 >I am really missing like that "Text on sreen only" function of which the
 >manual says
 >it supposed to be there. 

You're right that this menu item doesn't seem to appear in Fin2007, even though it's mentioned in the manual and the help file. Even in Fin2008, it's no longer in the screen shot of the menu, but it's still talked about in the help file.

You can accomplish most of the same thing by selecting the text and setting the style to Hidden.


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