On 9 Oct 2007 at 1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> dc a écrit :
> > After complaining to MM about the poor display quality of WinFin PDFs, I 
> > was sent the same piece in PDFs (PDFcreator) from 2007c and 2008, and I 
> > must admit that the 2008 is much better with regard to staff lines.
> > 
> > Has anyone else noticed the improvement?
> Yes, the pdf with Finale 2008 are much better quality.
> One page directly printed in pdf with finale 2008 in windows XP.
> http://jipiblog.free.fr/files/Finale2008-%5bBoieldieu-2duo-Harpe-II.pdf

Two very insteresting things I saw when I loaded that:

1. the page started rendering before the whole file was downloaded, 
and the part that was late to download including the music font, so 
the first two lines displayed with the wrong fonts. A reload caused 
the page to render properly. I've never seen that before, ever, and 
think it must be a change in the rendering in the Adobe Reader 8 
browser plugin.

2. the hairpins are very badly anti-aliased in the rendering 
onscreen. I have to bump up the magnification to 600% for the lines 
to smooth out. I don't understand why that is the case, as the anti-
aliasing for relatively flat beams is much less severe.

Is anyone else seeing this, or is this perhaps an artifict of WinXP 
ClearType rendering (I haven't fired up the Win2K box to check)?

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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