Hey Darcy,

You can have an invisible or dotted right barline on the preceding system, then just the usual clefs and key signatures on the continuing system. No need to hide the left barline on the that next system. I double checked a few of my Henle piano scores to confirm this.

Hope it helps,

Greg Hamilton Music Service
2980 Corona Drive
Burnaby, BC  V3J 1B8
Tel: 604.444.9218

Hey all,

Pardon my ignorance, but I've never had to do this before -- when it is necessary to split a single measure across two systems (because the composer added too damn many notes to fit into a single system), what elements do you show on the the second half of the measure -- the one starting a new system? I assume you would hide the left "barline" for the new system in this case (it's a work for piano), but what about clef, key signature and time signature -- do I show or do I hide?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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