Wow, thanks for clearing that up. I mean, I really needed that..........

Jón Kristinn Cortez wrote:

On 13.10.2007, at 08:59, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

And we also go off on other tangents as, your point is?

strange |strānj| |streɪndʒ| |streɪn(d)ʒ|
1 unusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand : children have some strange ideas | he's a very strange man | [with clause ] it is strange how things change. 2 not previously visited, seen, or encountered; unfamiliar or alien : she found herself in bed in a strange place | a harsh accent that was strange to his ears. • [ predic. ] ( strange to/at/in) archaic unaccustomed to or unfamiliar with : I am strange to the work.
3 Physics having a nonzero value for strangeness.
feel strange (of a person or part of the body) feel unwell; have unpleasant sensations : her head still felt strange. • be uncomfortable or ill at ease in a situation : the family had expected to feel strange in Stephen's company. strange to say (or poetic/literary tell) it is surprising or unusual that : strange to say, I didn't really like carol singers.
strangely |ˌstreɪndʒli| adverb : [as submodifier ] the house was strangely quiet | [ sentence adverb ] strangely enough, people were able to perform this task without difficulty. ORIGIN Middle English : shortening of Old French estrange, from Latin extraneus ‘external, strange.’


1 strange things have been happening unusual, odd, curious, peculiar, funny, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar, atypical, anomalous, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, puzzling, mystifying, mysterious, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable, inexplicable, singular, freakish; suspicious, questionable; eerie, unnatural; informal fishy, bizarro, creepy, spooky. antonym ordinary, usual. 2 strange clothes weird, eccentric, odd, peculiar, funny, bizarre, unusual; unconventional, outlandish, freakish, quirky, zany; informal wacky, way out, freaky, kooky, offbeat, off the wall, screwy, wacko. antonym normal, conventional.
3 visiting a strange house unfamiliar, unknown, new. antonym familiar.
4 Jean was feeling strange ill, unwell, poorly, peaked; informal under the weather, funny, peculiar, lousy, off; dated queer. antonym well. 5 she felt strange with him ill at ease, uneasy, uncomfortable, awkward, self-conscious. antonym relaxed.

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