I am having _very cautious_ success with 08, because a couple of -very serious- bugs I (and almost no one else, bugs which were serious enough to keep me from using 07 at all) had with 07 , have been fixed in 08. I am just starting into some serious 08 use, and there are so many GUI changes that I sometimes feel as if I am starting over.

I use 06 also, when I can, but for various reasons I work in 08 at times.

I also would like such a list. What are the worst of the 08 bugs?

Raymond Horton

Daniel Wolf wrote:
Thanks to all for the overwhelming response to my question about users skipping the current upgrade or switching products. Most surprising was the fact that no one on the list has stepped up and indicated that he or she has either upgraded and been satisfied with the upgrade or has the intention to upgrade. Personally, I'm an experienced user who has invested a lot of time and money in Finale, since 3.7. I have upgraded regularly, missing only 2004; I have purchased TG Tools as well. I like Finale's flexibility in entry methods (I'm a command line fan), as well as its capacity for finding a number of solutions to notational problems, especially for new music. With my own templates and working routine, I would really prefer not to switch from using Finale as my primary notation program, but the current state of the program raises some real concerns about its future.

I have been writing an item about the current state of Finale for my blog, Renewable Music ( http://renewablemusic.blogspot.com/ ). I have written to MakeMusic outlining my concerns but have yet to receive any response. In the article, I would like to document the persistent bugs concretely. Specifically, which long-standing bugs in the program are "deal breakers", keeping current users from either upgrading or driving a user to switch products?

Daniel Wolf

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