On Nov 8, 2007, at 1:41 AM, Patricia Spedden wrote:

I have Finale 2008, Windows XP, & have a problem with uneven staff lines in one system only in a project. Even if I delete that system, the next system moves up & has the same uneven staff lines. The problem makes a treble staff 2nd line "G" look like a 2nd space "A."

Does anyone know what could be causing this? I haven't intentionally changed staff line thickness or fonts.

Sigh. Sounds like file corruption again. Sigh.

On a copy of the file (so you don't mess something up irreparably) I can suggest these steps.

You say deleting the system doesn't work. But it may be that the corruption actually started somewhere in the PREVIOUS system. With this in mind, try deleting different measures in the previous system to see if any of them solves the problem. You would have to delete the entire measure stack (to use the new term!) You can always insert a new measure afterward.

If that doesn't work, try deleting ALL the measures starting in the previous system right to the end of the work. Then add new measures back in. If this solves it, then you may be able to copy the contents back in from your original copy of the file. Cross your fingers that you won't be copying the corruption along with it.

If this doesn't work, then the only solution might be to create a fresh document and copy your contents into it and keep working from there. You may miss some things, like system breaks and double bars that break mulit-measure rests, but it is better than starting from scratch.

And REALLY send this on to MakeMusic tech support, so that they see it. Maybe they will have a solution as well that doesn't involve massive amounts of deletions.


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