what I would try is this.........

make a copy of the file and open it
run the Data Check utility - all options under file maintenace checked
resave the file and then try the reduction procedures

if it fails again I would then.......

remove all optimization and staff styles that might be present
check all systems to see if any have been forced to a next page and undo that 
option where needed if so
using mass mover respace notes through the entire piece
make sure update layout is set to remove previous layout and reflow across 
pages and systems 
update the layout & save the file
try the reduction process again

if it fails again I would redefine all pages, setting the page size to 8.5x11
run update layout again
save the file
try the reduction procedures again

failing all this I dunno what I'd do except write this list, too!

hoping this helps-
Cecil Rigby
Liberty, SC

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Herman Gersten 
  To: finale@shsu.edu 
  Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:26 PM
  Subject: [Finale] Piano reductions (2nd try)

  Dear List,

  No one responded to this query. I wonder if the list received it.

  > A composer friend wants a piano reduction of a complex 35 page  
  > score for 3 orchestras. Page size 11 X 17.
  > Using the piano reduction plug-in, Finale completed the reduction  
  > but it was not visible in Page View, only in Studio and Scroll views.
  > I thought that page size might have something to do with this  
  > problem, but lengthening the file's page size to 11 x 22 still did  
  > not  produce the "missing" reduction.
  > I tested the plug-in on a woodwind quintet score. There was no  
  > problem. The reduction appeared at the bottom of the page as it is  
  > supposed to.
  > Ideas?



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