On Nov 26, 2007, at 7:00 PM, Adam Golding wrote:

On 26/11/2007, Christopher Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 26-Nov-07, at 2:27 PM, Adam Golding wrote:

ok so i'm going about setting up combined articulations (not to
mention some
handy macros for applying them from the selection tool)  but i've
realize i
don't have symbols for:

mezzo-staccato accent
mezzo-staccato strong accent
stacatissimo accent
stacatissimo strong accent

i have no idea what approach i should take in choosing appropriate
that might have these symbols--any suggestions?

I'm unclear on the names you are using.

Can you be more explicit about exactly what shapes you are talking
about for those four combinations?

Many combinations that don't already exist can be put together in a
Shape and assigned to an articulation.

mezzo staccato being a stacatto dot plus a tenuto flat line, and accent being >, strong accent being ^, stacatissimo being the wedge mark-- i'll have
to look into this shape business :p

In my default file I have a staccatissimo wedge at slot 50. It is Maestro character number 171 (216 inverted). It should combine nicely with the accent and the marcato in a shape, which can then be assigned as a single articulation. You would probably need to make two of them, one for above and one for below the notes.


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