Carl Dershem wrote:
I'm doing a piece where many of the parts (big band score) have multi-measure rests before and after the coda (go to) mark. I'm using FinWin 2004 under WinXP.

The problem is: I can either have multi-measure rests or the mark, not both. If I select the measures in question (before and after, in separate groups), the measure the Coda mark is attached to will not be included unless I de-select "break multi-measure rests" when selecting the coda mark. But if I do that, the mark itself becomes invisible.

I have, in most cases, 9 measures, the mark, and 3 measures. But it comes out as 8 measures, 1 measure with the coda sign, and 3 measures.

ANy idea how to fix this?


Is playback important? Make a second copy of the score for printing, and create the two multi-measure rests and place the "to coda" sign as an expression or as text.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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