You are correct ... upon hitting 6-9, I am receiving the desired results.



On Jan 12, 2008, at 12:44 AM, Jonathan Smith wrote:

I think what's happened here is that you have now 'set up' the metatool - and so to actually get it to work select your chosen measures and hit the '6' key, or whatever you've programmed it to.


I'm using FinMac2007. When I want to transpose something, I have been going the long route, i.e., Select a given measure>Mass Edit>Transposition>and then work the dialog box to my desired ends. Works fine, but I wanted to try the Meta Tool method to save some time. So I hit Shift-6, which brought up the dialog box for transposition just fine, but when I entered in the desired data and punched the OK button, nothing happened to the selected measure. What am I missing?


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Dean M. Estabrook

"When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. "

R. Buckminster Fuller

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