Hi Darcy,

Me too, and now, after having installed it, I have an empty main tool pallet 
and other problems with my computer.  Email is not working, my monitor can't 
find its resolution so it's not working this AM (sending this from Margot's 
computer), but I did get a clean quit and start last night.  I'm confused.  The 
email stopped working after the long (4 1/2 hr) download and the monitor is 
showing strange test pattern-like things this AM after I shut down the computer 
last night to give it a rest in the hope that the Email would somehow repair 
itself.  The usual method of unplugging the 30" monitor and letting it "find" 
its native resolution when it gets re-plugged hasn't yet wroked.  Mystified.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Darcy James Argue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Has anyone else tried to download Fin2k8b only to see their download  
> slow to a crawl? I'm getting 16KB/sec on cable broadband that is  
> usually 6-10 MB/sec.
> It's hard to believe MM's servers could be overwhelmed by people  
> downloading a Mac-only maintenance release, even on the  release date.  
> Is anyone else seeing this?
> Cheers,
> - Darcy
> -----
> Brooklyn, NY
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