On Mar 20, 2008, at 9:53 AM, dhbailey wrote:

In a message dated 20/03/2008 08:37:49 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
There's a mass-edit tool in Fin2008?   Where?
Erm..sorry. Yet another case of "half read a message on my way out to work" syndrome. I didn't read the "2008" bit.
 Sorry if I raised false hopes.

Well, the Selection Tool comes close, but I was just wondering if I had missed something. Thanks. :-)

With 2008 it was moved to the 3 key. The documentation is wrong (I searched the Encyclopedia under Elapsed Time), as they say the 5 key, which is not true any more.

Selection Tool, click a measure (or group of measures) and hit 3. You get Time at beginning of measure, time at end of measure and Elapsed Time up to that point since the beginning of the selected section. I am a little bewildered at the long series of steps suggested in this thread so far.

Make sure the tempo in the playback window is set correctly unless you have a tempo marking with playback, which overrides the playback window setting. I find the tempo markings work well, as I can have different tempos and still have an accurate timing.

If you need frame-accurate timing, there is some voodoo to be done with Human Playback to make sure it always plays back with the exact amount of rit or rubato, but I can't remember it right now.


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