Sorry for sending this again -- I changed the subject line to make it more
clear what I was asking.

Dear list,

What is the easiest and quickest way to transfer the bars-per-staff layout
from one linked part to another in Finale 2007 or 2008?

For example, I created a big band score in which the four trumpets are tutti
- i.e. they have the exact same part, rhythmically and form-wise, but have
different pitches on the notes that are voiced out. After generating the
parts, I edited the 1st trumpet part and moved bars around between staves so
the layout is right. How can I quickly transfer this bar layout to the 2nd,
3rd and 4th trumpet parts without doing it over again on each part? In the
past, I've used "Save as..." and Special Part Extraction to create a new
part based on an existing part's layout. Can this be easily done in Finale
2007 and 2008?

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