On May 29, 2008, at 12:36 PM, dc wrote:

I have a score with many long melismas, several of which finish on the first note of a new system. When I create the word extensions (with TGT), some of these last notes have the extension and some don't, without my being able to see any reason. Among those that don't have the extension, some can be clicked on and allow me to lengthen the word extension. Others don't even offer this possibility. Any ideas on how I could get these word extensions to show up?

I get some unusual behaviour with word extensions sometimes, too. What I do to force an extension over a system break (also after a second ending) is the same thing I used to do before smart extensions and TG Tools.

I enter an option-space as a lyric on the syllable starting the new system (PC users will need to know the alt code for the non-breaking space character). This lyric will have it's own word extension that I can edit manually. I will need to nudge this character a bit to the left so the word extension starts at the left boundary of the note.

Yup, it's a kludge. But I only have to do it a couple of times per choral arrangement now, whereas I used to do it on almost EVERY system break.


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