That "Arbitrary bit" has been a strange piece for a long time--all the areas in and around time sigs and key sigs are sort of a "No Man's Land" and have been for a long time. I think they set out to try and correct this when selection was redone and discovered that it was far more than trivial to fix.

I know it's nothing personal. Yesterday was just a bad day in the life of your friendly, neighborhood, MM employee. ;-)

On Aug 1, 2008, at 7:34 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Fisher, Allen wrote:
It could also be argued that clicking to the left of a system is unintuitive, you are not actually clicking on what you want resize. By clicking in between staves, technically on the system, you get what you expect, as opposed to clicking on just the page.
Is that a better line?

That makes great sense -- it's the bit of having to click to the right of the time signature that seems arbitrary.

I've often thought that clicking anywhere in the outer margins of the page should bring up the resize tool to resize the entire page and nothing else.

And please don't take anybody's replies to your messages personally -- mostly we're just letting off steam and venting over what appear to longtime users to be an attempt by MM to limit what we can do with Finale, not expand what we can do, or at the very least forces us to alter our long-time work habits, and many of us are apprehensive of what the next limitations will be.

Speaking now for myself only, none of my postings are at all aimed at any individual, and I think that the same is true of many others on this list although I can't speak for them.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

Allen Fisher
Founder and Principle Developer
Fisher Art and Technology

Finale mailing list

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