Since musical databases in various forms have been a lively topic of
discussion, I thought some list members might be interested in an
upcoming conference. The Ninth International Conference on Music
Information Retrieval will be held in Philadelphia on September 14 to
18. More information is available on the conference web site at:

Most of the talks tend to deal with retrieval from audio files, but
there are also several sessions involving symbolic / notation formats
like MIDI, MusicXML, and Finale. One presentation will be dealing with
using XQuery to retrieve information from MusicXML files created with
Finale, Sibelius, or other programs.

I will be presenting a demonstration on "Using MusicXML 2.0 to Create
Symbolic Music Data Sets" on Thursday the 18th. This will show the
latest versions of our Dolet 4 for Finale and Dolet 4 for Sibelius
plug-ins, together with PDFtoMusic Pro.

People who are deeply interested in both music and databases should
find this a fascinating conference!

Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Finale mailing list

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