Roger Jeffs wrote:
I use the converter listed here to open docx in my older version of Word. It 
works fine.

All this discussion about the availability of converters and the possibility of changing the default file-format for Word2007 to save files in begs a huge question about why MS changed the default format to begin with -- members of this list are computer literate (for the most part) and aren't afraid of looking under the hood of the programs we use nor of searching for tools to solve the computer problems we run into.

A huge segment of the Word-using population (and the computer population in general) haven't got a clue that there are such things as file-format converters, nor are they aware that they can change how their software works.

My wife (who has used computers for many years yet still remains a newbie) was taking an on-line course where the teacher was sending things out in .docx format. We use WordPerfect in our house and it couldn't open them. Many others in the class were using earlier versions of Word, and NOBODY could open the files. And the teacher had no clue what to do about it! I had to tell my wife what to send to the teacher in an e-mail about changing the format, and I don't even use Word!

It's incredibly short-sighted of Microsoft to have done what it did, and while it can be changed easily 1) if you know where to look in the program to change it and 2) you're willing to make that change and 3) you're even aware that a change is possible and 4) you have any clue why people you share files with can't open them.

Most computer users are totally ignorant of what goes on under the hood and will never do what many of us on this list would have done within minutes of using the program or within minutes of receiving a file we couldn't open from someone using the new version of Word.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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