Hey David --

Auto-hyphenation (and for ending syllables, auto-word extensions) take care of this in Finale versions since yours, although I know some have been bitten by a bug in the past where auto-hyphens would be missing from time to time (though I do a lot of choral music, and haven't had a problem). It's seemed (as far as I can tell) to work fine for me in FinMac2004, 2007, and nowadays 2008.

Others may be able to speak to whether the bug has been fixed or not. I haven't seen anything on here about it in a while.

I also know that many don't use the default settings that Finale provides for auto-hyphens, but they seem to work for me just fine as is. I've never changed the defaults.

-- Mike

On Sep 11, 2008, at 4:10 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Do recent versions of Finale do anything about the problem of
melismas that cross system breaks? That is, the syllable continuation
dash stops at the end of the first system, and you have to insert a
syllable of some sort at the beginning of the second system to get
proper dashes for the melisma.

I just spent hours redoing a file after I'd screwed up they lyrics
trying to insert a sylllable to anchor the beginning of the system
break (I'm still on WinFin2K3), and would really like to know if this
has been fixed in recent versions of Finale.

There realy is no reason at all why Finale should not simply do
things the right way by default.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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