Hi all,

This is a bug report I sent to Tech Support. They were unable to reproduce the problem and suggest I trash my prefs, which has no effect.

It happens in 2008b r.1 for Mac, and always happens, regardless.

Here are the steps:

*begin quote*

I had reported this before and was assured it had been fixed. It most assuredly hadn't.

Here is the procedure. Start a new document, say with a piano and an violin (I do this to illustrate a further problem). Add music in the piano part (I added eighth note C to fill all 30 available measures and left the last measure empty).

Check the linked piano part. It runs seven systems. Check the violin part. It runs four systems of empty measures.

Then go to the piano part, use the Percent tool to reduce the SYSTEM size to 60% by clicking after the time signature between staves. Check the violin part. All is well so far, in all four systems of empty measures.

Back to the score. Add in notes to fill the violin part. I added eighth note C again. Now go to the violin linked part. I have to update layout to see it properly, but now the new systems starting from system 5 are the wrong size, reduced to 60% like the piano part was.

If I added more music to the violin part, ALL the new systems would be reduced like this. Furthermore, I can't use the percent tool to resize the system. I can only go to the Page Layout menu and Resize Staff Systems there. Good thing I am an expert user!

*end quote*

Can anyone tell me if my steps cause the reported behaviour? I just finished 4 long works for theatre orchestra where I had to produce a slightly-reduced-in-size piano-vocal part before the orchestrations were finished, and ALL my linked parts exhibited this problem. I could fix it well enough, but it was a huge pain.

I need some ammo before I go back and say, "Well, everyone ELSE can see the problem!"



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