At 11:19 -0400 14/10/08, Christopher Smith wrote:
>As Eric mentioned, make sure you have the right prefs from the right place.
>Also, another issue that seems to have cropped up in 2009 (mac version only, I 
>believe) is that if you re-shape the tool palette, this causes prefs to become 
>corrupted. Also when I move it to another screen (I have two) this causes 
>problems, but not all the time, only mostly...

I have that same issue in Finale 2008 for Mac. I wrote to MakeMusic support 
about it and the answer was "that issue has been fixed in Finale 2009". So I 
told them they should give me version 2009 free of charge, since I paid about 
US$125 for v.2008 and it is deffective. My request was denied, of course. It 
didn't surprise me.

Now it turns out they didn't even fix the bug, after all! They lied to me. I am 
really angry about that. I am glad I didn't upgrade, and  I won't. At least for 
a long time.

I'm a Finale user since 1990 (v.2.5), but I am seriously considering changing 
to Sibelius. I did buy the $99 crossgrade. If it works for me I'll do the 
switch, never to spend my money on buggy Finale again.

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