On 15-Oct-08, at 15-Oct-08  2:50 PM, Ryan Beard wrote:

I need to show ledger lines without note heads or stems. I'm trying to do this using staff styles, but my efforts are unsuccessful. I've also tried deleting the note head using Special Tools, but the ledger lines become shortened. I need full-length ledger lines. I can't adjust the length of ledger lines in Document Options because there are places in the document I will have regularly notated notes and ledger lines.
Any suggestions?

If you need to do this more than a couple of times, I suggest making a shape that auto-places itself.

Otherwise, the Smart Shape Tool, at 400% magnification, will do what you need, but it will be very fussy. Once done, you could copy it easily from one measure to another. Just watch to see if it shortens and lengthens with the measure width.

Bill Duncan's Productivity Tools has this as an articulation (to attach trill notes to) but there is no reason why you couldn't insert it as an expression as well.


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