
I have been using 2009, and generally speaking, things are fine with me.

However, my normal process is the export to EPS and convert that to a pdf booklet (using InDesign or PStill/CocoaBooklet).

I've run into two problems. First is that for some reason (maybe due to my recent computer migration?), Times font doesn't seem to get into the EPS. If I switch all Times font things to Times New Roman, it fixes the problem -- but I do prefer Times.

The much bigger problem is that -- for the first time in Finale's history -- EPS export causes ties to disappear, more or less randomly.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I tried, a few years ago, to abandon my way of working in favor of just printing to pdf. The problem was that there were significant font problems having to do with Finale's fonts. The pitches would show up, but clefs would be missing, or articulations would weirdly be replaced with regular type-face characters. Or staff names would disappear. I wasn't alone in this. I had pdfs sent to me from other composers where these problems were present. EPS was working, so I went that way. And my way of working creates much smaller pdfs (better for emailing, and quicker to open).

To solve my current problem, I tried printing to pdf from Finale again. This time, at least when printing the pdf from my computer, everything is there.

I do NOT just print from Finale. There are three main reasons for this. #1 is that things seem to shift around in Finale files -- that is, I'll get it just right, and then six months later, things will have shifted around, even though my systems are locked. #2 is that I don't have to worry about converting old files just to print them (pdf seems here to stay). #3 is that I print booklets, and Finale's booklet layout is cumbersome at best. With a pdf file, I run it in Cocoa booklet or InDesign's booklet maker, and my pdf booklet is set for "open, print."

I have the new update (2009a). If anything, the disappearing tie problem is worse.

Can anyone tell me for sure that the "print to pdf" thing is working dependably? And can anyone comment further on anything else in my note?


David Froom
Finale mailing list

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