Thanks. I have tried Sibelius several times over the years. The recent version 
is the first one I feel I could live with. In fact I really like a lot of what 
I see. We set up a list of things that Sibelius must be able to do for us to 
even consider a cross-grade. We downloaded the demo and compared. On almost all 
counts, Sib showed itself to be as good or better than Finale. Finale is 
probably still better than Sibelius in some areas, bur most of these are of 
little interest to us as far as we can tell. There are 2 things about Sibelius 
that we don't like at present. 
One is slash notation. Finales staff styles are vastly superior. The other 
aspect is something that we might get used to in time. This is the order of 
input: first duration, then note/chord. Have you gotten used to this? 

> -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> av dhbailey
> Sendt: 3. november 2008 11:53
> Til:
> Emne: Re: [Finale] WinFin 2009a and the toxic file and Rant
> Roger Jeffs wrote:
> > Thanks for your comments.
> >
> I would say, though, that since most of your department's
> students probably haven't gotten into the plug-ins in the
> same way that many on this list have, that you should
> consider downloading Sibelius' demo, or have your department
> buy a single copy for you to experiment with.
> I bought the cross-grade when they offered it way back in
> version 3, which I found difficult to work with.  I did
> upgrade to Sib4, hoping to find it easier to work with,
> which I didn't.  But I was making the mistake of considering
> it as "finale junior" -- in other words, I was trying to
> maintain my working methods from Finale while using
> Sibelius, which won't work.  When I upgraded to Sib5, I
> approached it as I would any brand new program, reading the
> manual, working through the tutorials, and trying as much as
> possible not to bring preconceptions from another program to
> the new program, and I have found it to be easy to work
> with, and much less of a hassle to get good looking output from.
> I do still do some things in Finale (my most recent version
> is 08, probably the last one I'll buy unless they do a major
> rewrite and remove the long-standing hassles) but most major
> new projects I use Sibelius for.
> Check it out and see if it might not be better for your
> department overall.  Since you can't buy the most recent
> version that everybody likes (it seems to be Fin2007) the
> best, you should consider alternatives.
> My son's music department is not platform specific, nor is
> it restricted to either Finale or Sibelius -- students can
> use whatever they want and the music department's computers
> have both Finale and Sibelius on them.
> So you might consider having your department do the same.
> --
> David H. Bailey
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