At 06:53 PM 11/20/2008, you wrote:

On Nov 20, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Giz Bowe wrote:
Is there any way to globally adjust augmentation dots for eighth
rests? There's way too much space between the eighth rest and its
dot. The global dot adjustment only seems to work for notes, not
rests. I'm using FinWin 2009, although it's been happening since at
least 2008.

Let me guess, Jazz Font, right?

You betcha! :)

Complain loudly to MakeMusic about this. There is no excuse, except
that they don't care if nobody says anything.

I'll forward this letter to them forthwith.

(and I notice in 2009 that the Fill Measures with Rests feature in
Speedy stops working from time to time)

Haven't had this problem, but have noticed that occasionally my dots will turn into rests - eg, a dotted-eighth rest may become an eighth rest followed by a sixteenth rest. Go figure.

Thanks for the info - glad to know it's not just me - misery loves company!

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