>       1.  In 2000, if I entered, say,  a half instead of a 
>quarter note, I could simply hit the 5 key on that note and it 
>would change.  No more.  I have to take it out and do it over. 
> Can this be rectified?

Are you using Speedy Tool entry? The behavior has always been that, if the
cursor is on a note, then pressing the '5' key changes the duration to a
quarter note. Is the problem something simple like not having the NumLock
key on for the keypad? Are you in the right layer? Is Insert off?

>       2.  How does one put a change of clef in the middle of 
>a bar?  That was easy in 2000.

I don't know for sure in 2004. In 2007 you select the Clef Tool and click a
measure. The options in the dialog box include 'create a moveable
mid-measure clef'. Look in the index under Clef, midmeasure.

>       Then a more sophisticated problem.  Two pianos: one in 
>three to a beat, the other in four to a beat.  By hand I would 
>put one piano in  
>9/8 and the other in 3/4 and line up the barlines.   From previous  
>experience I presume I will have to put both in 3/4 and use 
>triplets, which is at least clear.  Any other options?

I think independent time signatures were in 2004. Select the Staff Tool,
click the staff, check the box for Time Signatures under Independent

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