I wrote:
I keep getting this message [The font'" is not available in this piece.] on a file when I try and copy a measure into another one. The message shows up twice in a row and doesn't go away even when I do select a font.

David Fenton replied:
I don't have a recent version of Finale, but if I encountered this
I'd run the data integrity checks. In my version of Finale these are
on the OPTIONS | DATA CHECK menu. Checking the file integrity and the
document fonts against system fonts seem like the most obvious
choices. But you may have different choices (and on a different menu)
in a later version of Finale.

But that's where I'd start.

and Allen Fisher wrote:
In Fin2k9b, go to Document-->Data Check-->File Maintenance. Do the full treatment. Then, run Document-->Data Check-->Font Utilites. Check "Check Document Fonts Against System Fonts" and click OK. Fix any remaining font things that come up. For those with 2k9 initial release or earlier, we merged all the font related options in the Data Check sub-menu (and added a couple of new ones) into the new Font Utilities dialog for 2k9b.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. This file just won't lose the error message even after those procedures. I'll probably have to junk this file.

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

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