Thirty-one measures are what fit on a page in the default file.


On Feb 8, 2009, at 7:11 AM, dhbailey < > wrote:

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 07.02.2009 Allen Fisher wrote:
In 2k9, simply type the number of measures you want on the last page of the wizard.
I must say, I find this another nuissance. I don't want 31 measures, so I have to remember to change it. Since I keep forgetting I have to do it all again, or delete the measures. OK, not a big deal, but why? Make the wizard more customizable, it will make it much better.

While I agree with you on this being a nuisance, I don't find such a thing all that bothersome since most of the music I would be entering into a score started from the wizard would have more than 31 measures.

I do wonder how such a random number was arrived at, though. Why not 8, since much music is built of 8-measure phrases, or 16 to get a double-phrase started, or 32 to fit a 32-bar pop song format?

Where did 31 come from as a default?

David H. Bailey
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