Aaron Sherber wrote, in part:
On the other hand, if you've got the file open in Finale at the same time that you're trying to delete it, it won't work. Files can't be deleted by the system if they're in use by some application.

This is not universally true. If the application locks the file when it opens it, then the file cannot be deleted. Finale does not do this; it is quite possible to have a file open in Finale, and delete the file from the disk.

...<snippage>... (You don't say if you're on Mac or Win.) ...<snippage>...
2.    Also embarrassingly simple but I've spent too much time on this as
well:  How do I get a new folder into my listing of files to organize

Again, I'm not sure what you mean here by "listing of files", but it sounds like you're talking about something that's OS related and not FInale related. In Windows, you would right-click in a folder window and choose New ->Folder.

My hunch is that OP is using a MAC, perhaps with the version of the OS that was current in 1999.

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