Hello, all,

Since there seems to be more than a little Telemann expertise on this list I
thought I'd ask my question, too.

Can anyone help me find original source materials (MsS, etc) for Telemann's
Klindenden Geographie? I know there's a Hoffmann edition available via
Lucks, but I'd like to go back to original sources, if possible. For those
of you who don't know this suite, it's a collection of 30 something
movements describing in musical terms various countries of the world,
starting close in and working further out (to Afrika, then finally Amerika,
the Hope of the Mississippi). It's mostly for strings and is quite engaging,
often painting a dual portrait of a country, both "old" and "new."

I have a possible research and recording project in line and given that I've
been out of the musicological research mode for some time I would appreciate
help in finding sources.

The above is a mid or later work. It is perhaps based on a much earlier work
"Singenden Geographie" (maybe misattributed?), hopefully with words? Again,
what searching I've done hasn't yielded any original sources, so any help
with that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Now back to your regular Finale programming.

Andrew Levin

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