On Mar 7, 2009, at 5:44 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Finale text boxes have adjustable tabs?

Tabs, shmabs. Finale has the capabilities, mostly in submenus:

Center ?


Right ?


 Dot-leader tabs?

Da hell izzat?

Columns?  Tables?

Use 2, 3, more aligned blocks. No, it's not hard and it's not time-consuming. My 13-page catalog on 8 folded sheets displays as many as 4 columns per sheet. Composers' names are at the left; composition names are indented, all exactly the same amount.


You use a spell checker? Eew!

Using different justification for different lines within the same text box?


Word-wrap? [...] but when typing into the text box, it isn't what will show once I exit the text box and so I'm constantly exiting to check actual layout, re-entering the text block to change things around, guessing where the new line breaks should be, then re-exiting the text block to check it out once again.

Unlike the rest of Finale, I suppose, whch is utterly WYSIWYG and in which you never have to print out the file to see what it really. truly looks like.

What about documents where we simply want nicely laid out tables of contents -- they have always been a pain to get just right in Finale.

Not for me, and I do it all the time.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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