On 5/17/2009 10:30 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
believe that Finale would not create multi-measure rests
automatically....so, what am I failing to do before I extract my

It depends a bit on what your workflow is. If you want MM rests created automatically, you need to go to Document | Manage Parts. Click on Part Creation Preferences and make sure that Create MM rests is checked. I think you'll need to save this in your template to make sure that all new documents inherit it.

If you're working in an existing score, and if you haven't yet created linked parts, you can visit this dialog before you do so and make sure that the box is checked.

If you're working in an existing score and you've already created linked parts, then select the Measure tool and go to Measure | Multimeasure Rests | Create for Parts/Score. Click Select All, then deselect the Score, and hit OK.

(I know you're talking about extracted parts, but in Fin07 and later, extracted parts are nothing more than extracted copies of the linked parts. So whatever you do to the linked parts will be present when you extract.)

Hope this helps.

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