As I see it, Finale has created a climate of resistance to their upgrades. The bugs are one factor, but for me, the much bigger factor is the lack of file-level compatibility across releases. 100 bucks for an upgrade is not much of an issue for me, even if the feature set were marginal. The real issue for me is that every time I upgrade, I separate myself from other Finale users who might be collaborators on a project here and there. I don't know if Sibelius is any better in that regard. But considering that I don't know of any product that makes its file formats obsolete every year, I'm betting that this is not a problem with Sibelius.

The obvious solution is to program each release such that it can read future files but simply ignore any elements it doesn't recognize. If Finale worked this way, I would automatically purchase every upgrade.

dhbailey wrote:
As a member of the Sibelius group at yahoogroups, I have to say that there I don't recall there being anybody who complains about the upgrade schedule. And while there are those who don't upgrade due to financial restrictions, I've never read that people aren't upgrading because they want to wait to see how the new features work and whether they really work at all, and never has anybody posted that they're skipping an upgrade because the improvements and additions in any single Sib upgrade aren't worth it. At least that I recall.

One thing that Finale has done is to create a gun-shy user base, at least as indicated on this group. Many people don't jump on Finale upgrades the way they used to because of the horrible bugs which have been prevalent in the initial releases of the past several annual Finale upgrades. How many messages on this group have been of the "I'll wait until they bring out the Fin200Xa patch" which can't be helpful to the financial engine of the company. I wonder how many people hold off waiting for the first update patch to the upgrade (what a stupid thing that a company's user base has to wait for such a thing to feel comfortable with a new version) only to find that when the update patch is released the early-adopters aren't raving about how much got fixed. There must be many people who waited for the update patch and then waited an additional period for the "b" patch (not there always is one) or simply decide they were smart not to fall for that upgrade and simply wait for the next full version upgrade hoping the major bugs introduced in the current version manage to get fixed in the next full version upgrade?

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