On 6/18/2009 9:11 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
very small jobs. Do I now have to get 2k10 to get this fixed? If that is
the case Sibelius is becoming a very likely option. I am certainly not
going to feed the folks at MM for their ridiculous bugs.

I agree that this is an unfortunate side effect of MM's yearly upgrade schedule, which essentially becomes a subscription model. When a new release comes out, MM completely stops fixing any bugs in previous versions, meaning that the usable lifespan of each release is only a year. If you want bugfixes after that, you need to buy the next version -- and hope that the new bugs aren't worse than the old ones.

This is especially frustrating for something like the current Finale 2010 release. It doesn't have an awful lot of new functionality and would probably be considered a "point" release by some other software companies -- that is, an intermediate upgrade which goes out free to owners of the existing version. I don't think this is particularly customer-friendly behavior from MM, but ultimately they must feel it makes financial sense for them.

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