On Jun 18, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Martin Banner wrote:

On Finale 2008 on my Mac, I am doing a two stave keyboard part (continuo realization). I did a "save as" from my full orchestral score, added a blank staff above the cello/string bass part at the bottom of the score, then deleted all the wind, string and voice parts, leaving me with the two stave keyboard part that I wanted. I set the entire file to 82% size (my stats, not the issue here). For some unknown reason, on the last page with six systems, the first three systems are the size I want (same size as all previous pages), but the last three systems on this page are considerably smaller in print (I'm in page view).

I can't figure out why this is happening (I even deleted these measures and started to speedy note in the music again, thinking it would solve my problem). Anyone have any suggestions?

First of all, WHY is it happening; who knows? It's a bug. Happens to me all the time. It has to do with the last time you invoked Resize Systems, as far as I can tell, and it makes all new systems that size until you invoke it again and enter a new value.

More importantly, how to fix it; use the Resize Tool (looks like a percent sign) click between the staves AFTER the time signature (make sure you have invoked Resize System and NOT Resize Staff, Note, or Page) and enter the new zoom value. If you do this on the last system that IS the correct size, the value will already be entered, and all you have to do then is to specify that it apply from that system to the end of the piece.

I have to do this so often I am considering making a macro for it. MakeMusic claims it was fixed, but it isn't.

There is another way that is supposed to work to fix this, but it doesn't work, so I won't even bother.


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