It's a little-known fact that tenor trombone mutes fit a flugelhorn bell pretty well. They aren't perfectly balanced, but some mutes aren't even that on the trombone, so maybe the standards are bit too high? French horn mutes should work too (try the mute that substitutes for hand stopping. Very cool!)

Harmon is not a great mute in the trombone version, but go ahead and give it a try on a flugel, with stem in, stem extended, and stem removed. You might like it.

Cup and straight are the best, in my experience. Bucket can work if you get the kind that goes IN the bell, instead of the clip-on kind (flugel bell too small) but it is kind of odd, taking high harmonics off an already dark tone.


On Aug 26, 2009, at 1:46 AM, wrote:

Does any of you know if flügelhorns have some of the unusual (i.e., cup,
harmon) trumpet mutes fitted for them?

Aaron J. Rabushka

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