In case any of you are using Acrobat and plan to update to Snow Leopard - don't do it, at least for the moment. You will be asking for problems.

I have just discovered that direct scanning is no longer possible from Acrobat 9. As far as I can tell this is true for any scanner, although I haven't been able to confirm this. At least for my Epson it doesn't work, although it works fine from Photoshop Elements 6.

This is bad, as it complicates my work flow enormously. I am still hoping that somewhere this will be fixed, but for the moment I really hate Snow leopard.

There are also numerous problems with the new way Acrobat uses Distiller. Basically it doesn't work nearly as reliably as it used to. This means that I now have to make PDF/X files to be compatible with Lulu. These files are much larger than they would have to be for the purpose, but Lulu cannot cope with the font embedding otherwise.

In case someone is interested: Scanning is now supported from within Preview. This does work, but the scanning window seems rather badly suited to mass scanning of music, which is what I need to do most. Also, the scans seem to always end in separate documents, and are being saved in the ancient Acrobat 3 format (which takes a lot of space for images).

Anyway, just though some may find this useful.


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