SN jef chippewa wrote:

noel, are you serious?!?! wow. keeping empty measures in the doc is just counterproductive, no matter how quick you can do what you describe.

Jari wanted to be able to delete (and also insert, though I missed that bit) measures without affecting "a lot" of subsequent measure number regions. keeping the measures in the Finale source file, but hiding them in the printed score is the simplest means I can think of of achieving that with deletions. Admittedly it does not work with insertions.

but if you do insist on leaving them in, why not just define them as 0-width with no barlines?

Only cause hadn't thought of it.

if you applied a unique and recognizable staff style (2 lines or something) you would notice and remember to do the same in the parts...

well, almost all of my work is been choral and keyboard music, so while I have on occasion extracted parts, I get the full score correct first, then extract and lay out the parts as one of the last steps in the process of working with a score. There is no need to remember to do the same in the parts. Linked parts are not something I've had need to work with.

then you also have to do weird-ass things to the 2nd system (the one you put outside) to get it properly in place, i believe this involves unchecking "avoid system collsions" or something and then the system values are negative for the 3rd system, no?

I have cleared "Avoid margin collisions" in all of my templates, and in those cases where I choose to create a document from scratch, unchecking it is one of the first things I do, but yes, I believe that to move a system outside the bounds of the page, "avoid margin collisions" does need to be unchecked. I don't worry about the particular values for system margins while doing something like this. Once the three systems are defined, I enter "move" mode while in page layout view, and move the second system off the page (usually to the right), and move the third system into approximate place. Then I use the system margins dialog to make fine adjustments.

As to inserting measures without changing subsequent regions, I haven't thought of a way to accomplish that, yet.

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