Hi Jef,

Thanks for confirming that Finale was doing what I was telling it to do
rather than what I meant for it to do.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010, SN jef chippewa <shirl...@newmusicnotation.com> wrote
>you mean like an explanation of what you want or don't want? 8-)

Yes! If I don't know what I want, I have to take what I get!

>the only SC/PTs diff seems to be "hide 1st m# in region" on/off
>you have defined to have on ALL measures AND on all mm rests, what 
>you see is 100% correct according to your settings.

Does that mean there is no setting that will allow a measure number
range for MM rests and not also display the first measure number of the
MM rest? I haven't had any luck looking at the documentation and trying
things. I don't recall this being a problem in earlier versions of Finale.

>you can selectively hide a m#: select (or drag select group) a handle 
>and cmd-sh-h (alt-sh-h on pc?)
I know about this way but it's a lot of work if there are a lot of parts.

>also your SC and PT seem to contain only a single (the same) 
>instrument, vln I. (...?)

The screen clips were both from the vln I PT.


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