Well, we would have to see the whole system to know exactly, but I would say that this is as good as Finale can do with a measure of that width. If you give it a little more width, then Finale won't be forced into collisions. You can't expect the basic spacing algorithm that Finale uses to change sixteenth note spacing through the measure.

Now, there are some things you mentioned that might affect it. You said this same figure (I assume with accidentals) later had no problem (I assume the same measure width) then the measure might be corrupt (yes, that happens a lot). Copy the contents to another measure somewhere else, delete the entire measure stack, insert a new measure, and copy the contents back. Maybe include a measure on either side to make sure you excised the bad stuff. If you open the Edit Frame and compare it to the other identical measure you might find something checked by accident (gamma radiation or just scrambled Finale brains.)

One thing to try before this, however. I sometimes get extraneous beat markers, and if I space it using Beat Spacing (metatool 3) then Note Spacing, (metatool 4) this sometimes helps.


On Sat Jan 23, at SaturdayJan 23 9:51 PM, Matthew Hindson (gmail) wrote:

In the linked image:


you will notice the bad spacing between notes 2 and 3. Apart from manually adjusting the third or second notes using the appropriate Special Tool, the normal Music Spacing options have no effect.

Has anyone else run into this?

"Avoid collision of notes and accidentals" is checked in the Music Spacing options.

The spacing is being applied to this particular part only, i.e. there are no other staves affecting the spacing. The other bars in the part have no problems with spacing, even the same figure in later bars have no clashes, so it's not that the spacing is generally squishy.

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