For those of you who aren't on our mailing list, just to let you know that
I finally managed to find some time to revive Bill Duncan's Finale Productivity
package. So, that prompting by Darcy and others worked... ;)

This new version (5.0.1) contains an updated set of fonts, including new 
of three of the text fonts (including 80%-width lyric fonts), two fonts have 
removed and the 22 font set is now in both OpenType and TrueType formats. 
We've also added two package deals which include Finale Productivity 5. One
includes FP5 with our two books on CD-ROM and the other bundles FP5,
Dr John Clevenger's ChordSymbol 2 font package and our NPC Fingering font. 


Nick Carter, PhD
Owner, npc Imaging
Finale mailing list

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