Aligning the paper for punching the remainder of the length is easy.  You
flip the pages over and place them on an alignment pin, which assures that
all holes are evenly spaced.  Possible glitch: if you forget to pull the
disengagement pin on the 2nd punch, or don't align the end of the paper with
the disengaged punch you'll end up with a half-hole on the edge of the page.
Not fatal, just ugly.  I've also found that it's easier to make sure the
paper is exactly flush to the back plate and not skewed at an angle on the
2nd punch if there are more than 1 or 2 pages.


> Let's say you want to punch holes for the long side of a tabloid (11"
> x 17") page. How hard is it to realign the page after the first punch
> (which appears to be 13" or 14" for the machines you own) so you can
> get enough holes to cover most of a 17" page? I can remember Kinko's
> screwing that up on occasion.
> Paul Hayden
> Lee Actor wrote:
> > CoilMac-M, standard base unit.
> >
> J D wrote:
> > I have the CoilMac 41 ECI.

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