Excellent instructions, Noel.

I would add one thing:

Noel Stoutenburg wrote:
When files contain lyrics, I have had the best luck when I did not try to merge the lyrics by this method. Based upon my experience, if I were called upon to do this, between step 2 and 3 above, I would delete all of the lyrics from the target file (remember, the target file is a copy, so I still have the original). Then after the files were merged, I would use the text editor of my choice, and manually merge the lyrics from each lyric space separately in a scratch file by copying the contents of verse 1 in the first source file to the scratch file, then append the contents of verse 1 in the second file to the contents of the scratch file, then copy the contents of the scratch file to verse 1 of the target file, and use mass click assignment to assign the lyrics [On the Windows platform, the keystroke / mouse combination to do this is to use the mouse to position the cursor in the note where the first lyric is to be, press the shift key, and left click with the mouse.] for the verse. After the lyrics are assigned this way, I use a combination of the "shift lyrics" option of the lyrics tool, and "type into score", to move the lyrics so that they lie under the appropriate note.

One could also try zapping all of the lyrics in the target file (go into "edit lyrics" and erase them there), then copy the lyrics from the lyric staves in each both source files onto the same staves in the target file. (Change the filter under "Edit" if necessary.). I believe you will keep formatting, etc, and only have to adjust some baselines. (This is off the top of my head, which is pretty round and doesn't hold things very steadily, so I could be way off.)

Raymond Horton
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