I would like to offer this information, if I may. 

Jon Newton teaches classes in finale and MOTU's digital performer at Portland 
State University in Portland, Oregon, as well as a series of seminars. He is a 
beta tester for finale and Digital Performer . 

This is the url for the web site: http://oregonmts.com/ 

His solution for opening a file with the correct version of the application is 
to drag the file you are going to open over the icon of the application you 
intend to use with that particular file. He specifically warns against double 
clicking to open a file for the very reason you are expressing in your email. 

I always tried double clicking before I started taking his seminars. He's also 
a beta tester for . 

Michael Mathew 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ray Horton" <rayhor...@insightbb.com> 
To: finale@shsu.edu 
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:48:30 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [Finale] getting files to open in only one version of Finale 

This is the way in Windows, also, but when I do this I can't get Windows 
to recognize or find the newest version of Finale. 

Raymond Horton 

Bernard Savoie wrote: 
> I haven't seen an answer posted to your query apart from Christopher 
> Smith's suggestion. So here is a way to get a little bit of what you 
> want. 
> You can right-click (or control-click) on the file you want to open to 
> get to the contextual menu --> Open With : will allow you to choose 
> which of the programs on you're system you want to open the file with. 
> Not quite as simple a double-click, but a close second option. 
> Bernard Savoie 

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