That would be "The Art of Music Engraving & Processing" or I think the complete title might be "Teach Yourself the Art of Music Engraving & Processing" by Ted Ross, the 3rd edition I have is copyright 1987. It is widely considered to be one of the leading references for points of standard notation.

I think I got my copy from NCP Imaging

but I notice the book version is out of print right now. The CD ROM version is still available, though. Nick Carter, who runs this company, is a member of this list and a good guy. I have dealt with him a few times over the last five years or so, and have never been disappointed.


On Sun May 9, at SundayMay 9 11:29 PM, James Cooper wrote:


You have me curious -- what is the "Ted Ross" you refer to?

 --- James

James Cooper
Composer, classical guitarist, songwriter

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