Hello Listers,

The UK magazine Classical Music has an article in its most recent issue entitled "Contemporary Conundrums", wondering why so few contemporary composers write for the sort of orchestra that's needed for e.g. symphonies by C. P. E. Bach, Haydn or Schubert. It makes the point that many new works don't make it past their first performance because the extra instruments needed, in particular large percussion sections, make them too expensive to put on. The article is part of a section in this issue of the magazine looking at various aspects of amateur music-making in the UK.


The reason I'm mentioning this is that at the end of the article there's a call for scores from a London orchestra:

"The Orchestra of St. Paul's, resident at the Actors' Church in Covent Garden, is inviting composers to submit works of six to nine minutes' duration, scored specifically for two oboes, one bassoon, two horns, and strings ( There is no age limit. The judging panel will include the composer David Matthews and OSP's musical director Ben Palmer [writer of the article]. The winning piece will be performed at St. Paul's in June 2011. The deadline for submissions is Friday 14 January 2011. For further details visit www.orchestraofstpauls.co.uk"

I've also sent this to Orchestralist.


Patsy Moore AGSM ARCM
Conductor, arranger etc. Da Capo (Do All Come And Play Orchestra)
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