Thank you very much for sharing this with us -- it seems like it will make things easier for us who might be trying GPO4.

David H. Bailey

David Froom wrote:
I got some excellent advice from Make Music Tech Support (Travis S.), as I've been struggling to get this to work.

What I want is for a percussion staff (5 line) to go back and forth between GPO4 Basic Orch Percussion and GPO4 Percussion Toys, and for all the notes to appear on the center line (if treble clef, B).

First one needs to locate the XML file supplied by GPO4 (it is in Applications/Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 folder). You copy it to the Macintosh HD/Users/Your user name/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 2011/MIDI Device Annotation folder.

Now you set up the Aria player to have GPO4 Basic Orch Percussion on channel 10, GPO4 Percussion Toys on channel 26 (that is, channel 10 of a second player). Could be other channels, if you like.

In staff attributes for the percussion staff, Notation Style should be Percussion, and the "select button" should show that you have chosen Orchestral Percussion for the MIDI map. If you want to change where things appear, edit the Orchestral Percussion MIDI map, and change where each note appears (for me, all on the center line).

Create a new staff style, based on Percussion: 5-line staff. For this staff style, Notation Style "select" button, create a new MIDI map and call it Percussion Toys. This will be empty, because it hasn't been defined -- you fix that later, as you enter notes.

In Window/Instrument list, you click on triangle to expand the percussion staff. Make sure layer 1 is pointed to channel 10, and has Basic Orch Percussion as the MIDI map. Create a new instrument for layer 2, and send the sounds to channel 26, and Percussion Toys as MIDI map.

You enter notes for Basic Orch Percussion in layer 1, for Percussion Toys in layer 2. The percussion toys notes will be all over the place, because the midi map hasn't been created for it. The notes will appear in orange.

To see what GPO4 calls each Percussion toy note (and to see it's MIDI assignment), go to MIDI/Audio, Device Setup/Edit Percussion MIDI maps. In the dropdown menu Select a MIDI device, choose Garritan Personal Orchestra 4, and for Map, Percussion Toys. Note the names and the MIDI note number assignments.

After you enter some Percussion Toys notes, apply the Percussion Toys staff style. In View/Show, choose Show Percussion MIDI values. You'll see the MIDI note number assignments under each note.

Select the measures with the new Percussion Toys notes, and go to Utilities/Transpose Percussion Notes. Fix these one at a time, sending the note you played to the sound listed in the Edit Percussion MIDI maps menu.

Finally, go to the staff style for Percussion Toys, click on the select next to the Notation Style: Percussion, and edit the Percussion Toys MIDI map. You'll see the notes you created, and you can drag the display to show up on any note.

Once this has been done, entering percussion and getting it to display correctly is fast. You need only to enter notes for Basic Orch Perc in layer 1, Percussion Toys in layer 2, apply staff style to the Percussion Toys bits, and the whole thing looks and plays back correctly. You add new Percussion toys notes only as you need them, and as you go. The setup (and figuring it out) was at first laborious -- but I just re-did it in my piece, and it took about 15 minutes.

I'm not sure what I will do if I need to mix Orch Perc and Perc Toys in a single measure, since staff styles need a full measure to work. I think the workaround will be to add a Perc Toy note to the Orch Perc MIDI map. I think this will work.

I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of coordination between Finale and GPO4. 2010 was supposed to make percussion easy -- and I suppose it is easier than it was (which says a lot about how cumbersome it was in 2009 and earlier). GPO for Finale 2011 works fine, but GPO4 has severe problems interacting with FinMac2011. I can't get the notation KS GPO4 instruments to work at all (this was not broken in FinMac 2009), so for strings, I've switched to GPO for Finale 2011, and for other instruments I am using the non-notation KS versions, and putting key switches hidden in layer 3. I tried Darcy's suggestion of changing the HP preference file, under techniques, to call all the GPO stuff simply "Garritan." This didn't work for me...

One more thing about Finale 2011. In FinMac 2009, they had introduced a fast piano cross staff beaming method that I discovered by mistake. You simply selected the notes you want to move, and hit opt-down/up. It was fabulous, fast, and very close to being accurate. That is gone! And the key strokes for doing it don't do anything now. Why would they remove something so useful??? I asked the tech support guy, and he didn't know that it had been removed. I sure hope they can put this back in.

David Froom
Finale mailing list

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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