Williams, Jim wrote:
geen flauw idee...not the faintest idea!

I *believe* there is a site called "trompet.nl" waar je misschien zo'n vraag 
kon stellen.

Dat klopt.
Hoe komt het dat je Nederlands spreekt en Nederlandse sites kent? We zijn maar een piepklein landje! :) I went to that site - yes, it exists - and posed the question there. As soon as I get an answer, I'll report back here. Btw, the movie is <i>Young Man with a Horn</i> (1940) with Michael Douglas. Love the music. It's what I grew up with, besides the (what we call) the "iron reportoire" of classical music.
Anyone want the subtitles for it? Just download the movie and holler, I'll send 

Greetings and thanks, again!
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