Thank you, Mark.  Sounds as if we're going down similar paths, though
I probably want a few more pre-defined expressions at my disposal than
you.  FYI, there is a button at the bottom of the "Category Designer"
window that allows you to delete a category.


On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Mark D Lew <> wrote:
> I did a big upgrade from v04 to v10 earlier this year, so adapting to the
> new expressions is pretty fresh in my memory.
> Caveat: I doubt I'm a typical user. I've found that in general I'm more
> detail-oriented than most here, and I tend to be a bit of a control freak.
>> If you don't mind sharing, I would like to know the various ways list
>> members organize expressions into categories. Have any of you added
>> new categories to the ones Finale provided?
> ALL of the expressions I used are in new categories. I didn't like Finale's
> definitions in their default categories*, and I was having difficulty
> editing them. At the time it seemed like there were some things that were
> hard-coded and couldn't be changed. I'm not sure if that's actually true or
> I just couldn't find the right dialog box.
> (*Is it just me or do Finale defaults have an awful lot of definitions that
> are, um, eccentric? In general, MakeMusic's template style choices always
> seem so weird to me.)
> In any case, I only wanted to use expressions that I myself had explicitly
> defined, but I also found it useful at first to keep Finale's default ones
> around for reference, so I made my own categories for my own expressions and
> I only use those.
> I have four categories: tempos, dynamics, generic expressions, and rehearsal
> numbers. For me category are purely typographic definitions, regardless of
> musical meaning, so for example "dynamics" is anything I'd put in the music
> font at that size, like a pedal mark or luftpause. Expressions default to
> the usual italic, but I use that as a catch-all for anything that doesn't
> fall into another category and I'll define the specific expression as
> needed.
> I don't put many expressions in my template. Except for dynamics, my
> categories start out nearly empty, with just a couple of really basic ones.
> They exist primarily for the category definition, then I'll add expressions
> as needed in each document. I haven't found it valuable to have a zillion
> expressions pre-made. If I need, say, "molto allargando", it's easier to
> just type it fresh than hunt through a list of 50 phrases looking for it.
>> A couple of related questions about category staff lists (some have
>> 'em, some don't):  Is there a way to get a new expression category
>> with (or without) staff list capabilities besides through duplication?
>>  Is there a way to turn on/off the staff list feature for a given
>> category?
> I remember wondering the same thing.  After looking around a bit I just gave
> up and used duplication.  I also couldn't figure out how to delete
> categories I don't want. I'm not sure that's possible either.
> mdl
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