On 1/9/2011 8:42 AM, Steve Parker wrote:
I set up right and left page numbers in my score.

I don't want these in the parts, but I can't see where to specify this?

The general Finale rule is that things you do in the score also happen in the parts, and things you do in a part only happen in that part. Then there's an override key which reverses this behavior; on Windows it's Ctrl.

So, if you've placed the page numbers in the score, view them in the score, right-click, and choose Hide. This hides the numbers everywhere (score and parts). Then right-click again (still in the score), hold down the Ctrl key, and choose Show. Because you used the override key, this will show the page numbers in the score only and leave them hidden in the parts.

If you've set up your page numbers as a single text box, showing on pages 2 to (blank), with separate right and left page positioning options, you only need to do this once, since all the page numbers derive from a single text box.

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