I'm working on a piece with a lot of rudimentary writing for snare drum. Not
"rudimentary" meaning easy, but "rudimentary" meaning the standard drum
rudiments like flams, drags, ruffs, paradiddles, etc.

Flams are easy enough to enter; a grace note with a tie to a main note. But,
I'm waffling on the best way to input drags and ruffs. (A drag is two
"grace" sixteenth notes before the main note, and a ruff is three.) My
problem is with the tie/slur that connects the drags to the main note. I
started to use a slur, but I don't like the way that it looks since I can't
get the tips of the slur to be horizontal since they connect two different
sized note heads.

I was hoping for some advice on
1) how to make multiple grace sixteenth notes automatically beam without
having to hit the slash key in Speedy; and
2) how to easily make all the slurs "flat" without affecting the other slurs
on the page (no global settings changes in other words), or
3) how to magically create wonderful-looking drags and ruffs without a lot
of mouse-clicking and key-stroking.

Perhaps there's a little-known plugin that will do this for me?


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